Chapter 3: Development of Reactors for Direct Solar Water Splitting
Published:16 Oct 2024
Special Collection: 2024 eBook CollectionSeries: Energy and Environment Series
A. Hankin and F. E. Bedoya-Lora, in Chemical Technologies in the Energy Transition, ed. R. J. White and M. C. Figueiredo, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2024, vol. 33, ch. 3, pp. 44-90.
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This chapter explores the status of photoelectrochemical reactor development and reviews the engineering considerations and challenges associated with the scale-up of water splitting systems, with a focus on reactors that use integrated photoabsorbers. We progress from giving a broad overview of photoelectrochemical device archetypes with different levels of integration between the photoabsorber and electrolysis cell to the principal losses that need to be obviated through judicious reactor design. Principal design considerations are (photo)electrode orientations, resistivities of the (photo)electrode substrate and the electrolyte, bubble management and in situ gaseous product separation, and optical losses at the device level, as well as changes in electrolyte hydrodynamics where the reactor moves to track the Sun. We discuss the need to standardise reporting of experimental information on photoelectrochemical devices, including the measurement of key operating conditions that are seldom reported in the literature, such as temperature and electrode degradation rates, which are known to have a significant impact on the calculated solar-to-hydrogen conversion efficiencies.