- 1.1 Introduction – Background
- 1.1.1 Climate Change
- 1.1.2 Air Pollution
- 1.1.3 Energy Security
- 1.1.4 Economic Development
- 1.1.5 Legal Aspects
- 1.2 Energy Transition Concepts – The Hydrogen Economy, Power-to-X, and Circular Economies
- 1.2.1 Hydrogen Production
- 1.2.2 Energy Storage and Transportation
- 1.2.3 Sector Integration and Energy System Flexibility
- 1.3 Examples and Challenges
- 1.4 Objective of the Book and Content Summary
- References
Chapter 1: Introduction
Published:16 Oct 2024
Special Collection: 2024 eBook CollectionSeries: Energy and Environment
R. J. White and M. C. Figueiredo, in Chemical Technologies in the Energy Transition, ed. R. J. White and M. C. Figueiredo, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2024, vol. 33, ch. 1, pp. 1-18.
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Society is in urgent need of changes in the way our energetical needs are supplied. The intensive use of fossil fuels not only allowed societal development but also ended up causing severe environmental changes that endangered life on Earth. To preserve our life and the survival of Earth as we know it, we need a global shift from the use of traditional fossil fuel-based energy sources (e.g., coal, oil, and natural gas) to cleaner, more sustainable, and lower environmental impact alternatives, including renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and bio-energy. In this context, the development of new chemical technologies that empower sustainable and renewable alternatives for energy production, conversion, and usage and for chemical production is necessary and highly demanded. In this chapter, we explain our choices for the various chemical processes and technologies that we compiled in this book and consider it crucial to contribute to the ongoing global efforts towards a successful energy transition.
1.1 Introduction – Background
Energy and how it is sourced are increasingly important topics in the day-to-day operations of nearly all modern societies. In this context, the world is currently on a pathway to what is commonly referred to as an “energy transition”.1 The development of society over the last century has predominantly been driven by the use and exploitation of economically inexpensive fossil fuels such as natural gas, coal, and crude oil. However, this has not come without a price, and unfortunately these have been at the expense of our climate. We are often confronted with ecological disasters, especially for communities in the global south that have looked to exploit their natural resources to drive the development of their own societies (e.g. reflecting the first world’s path to higher development). This is not to say that the utilisation of fossil fuels (e.g., in making energy supplies less expensive) has not led to significant advancement in a short time. Still, it is essential to recognise that this has also resulted in ecological damage and pollution on every continent.2 The adverse effects of fossil fuel exploitation are increasingly visible in many forms, with perhaps the most notable and commonly discussed in the public sphere being climate change.3 In the eyes of the general public, fossil fuel use, associated emissions, and climate change represent the main argument for this so-called energy transition, which is a fundamental necessity for the existence of humanity.
When we refer to the energy transition, what do we actually mean? Energy and its accessibility are a prerequisite for the socio-economic development of a society. In this respect, the energy transition refers to an ongoing global shift from the use of traditional fossil fuel-based energy sources (e.g., coal, oil, and natural gas) to cleaner, more sustainable, and lower environmental impact alternatives, including renewable energy (RE) sources such as solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and bio-energy.4 The energy transition is driven by recognition over the last two to three decades of the urgent need to address several interconnected challenges and/or drivers, specifically climate change, air pollution, energy security, and sustainable economic development for all. These challenges/drivers are summarised briefly.
1.1.1 Climate Change
The consumption, primarily via combustion, of fossil fuels releases significant amounts of greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere, perhaps the most well-known and detrimental of these being carbon dioxide (CO2). GHGs enhance the trapping of heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, which in turn increases the mean global temperature, commonly referred to as global warming. This temperature increase results in a disruption of natural climatic cycles that have been established over millennia. The energy transition aims to reduce GHG emissions (e.g., via substitution of fossil for RE) and mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change by replacing carbon-intensive energy sources with low- or zero-emission alternatives.
1.1.2 Air Pollution
Fossil fuel combustion also emits various other pollutants detrimental to the environment and human health. These include sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (e.g., inhalable coarse particles, designated as PM10, with diameters of 10 micrometres (µm)), and anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (VOC; such as aliphatic hydrocarbons, ethyl acetate, glycol ethers, and acetone). These can all contribute to air pollution and have detrimental effects on human health and the environment, leading to problems such as respiratory disease and atmosphere chemical cycles.5 Transitioning to cleaner energy sources can help improve air quality, reduce associated diseases, and enhance overall public and environmental health.
1.1.3 Energy Security
Fossil fuels are recognised as being finite resources. Geographically, they are often concentrated in specific regions, such as the Middle East, which have historically created geopolitical tensions and potential conflicts over access and control. The transition to energy supplies from RE and diversification of energy generation (solar, wind, wave, etc.) can lead to a greater emphasis on domestic energy production and thus reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels. Under the correct direction and policy, the use of RE can boost energy security and economic stability.6
1.1.4 Economic Development
Over the last few decades, the RE sector has experienced remarkable growth. The field of solar energy, for example, has been promoted by policies, technology learning rates, and market demand, which has led to job creation and contributed to driving economic development. The energy transition and associated investment in clean energy technologies and infrastructure will continue stimulating innovation, attracting investments, and enhancing growth in sustainable industries, leading to further job creation and long-term economic benefits.7 Within European Union (EU), there are efforts to foment local job creation and economic development in the RE and clean technology sector, avoiding its migration overseas as happened with the nascence of the photovoltaic market.8 Furthermore, given expectations in technology learning rates,9 the energy transition is also expected to deliver additional advantages, including reduced energy costs over time, increased energy efficiency through technological advancements, and decentralised energy systems that empower local communities and individuals to generate their own clean energy.10–12
1.1.5 Legal Aspects
In certain legal jurisdictions, frameworks have been introduced to drive the adoption of energy transition technologies. For example, the EU has established comprehensive frameworks to drive the energy transition and achieve its ambitious energy and climate goals (e.g., Fit for 55 legislative package,13 REPowerEU,14 etc.). Several vital legal drivers play a crucial role in shaping this energy transition; these include the Renewable Energy Directive II (RED II) for setting binding targets for member states on RE consumption,15 the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) that establishes binding energy efficiency targets and requires member states to develop and implement energy efficiency policies and measures,16 and National Energy & Climate Plans (NECP)17 (introduced by the Regulation on the governance of the EU & climate action (EU)2018/1999), agreed as part of the Clean energy for all Europeans package adopted in 2019. NECP is particularly interesting as it commits EU member states to issue National Hydrogen Strategies complemented by other mechanisms such as REPowerEU. This is a constantly evolving, critical area of the transition with further developments ongoing (e.g., version III of RED currently under evaluation).
Therefore, the energy transition can be described as being an essential and critical ambition if humanity is going to be successful in addressing the challenges of climate change, combating air pollution, enhancing energy security, fostering economic growth, and building a more sustainable and resilient future, hopefully in an equitable fashion. However, the transition will be difficult, particularly to the needed levels (e.g. ≫90% RE).18 It will require a significant change in economic practices and political ideology, and thus collaborative efforts between governments, businesses, and collective bodies to accelerate the deployment of RE technologies, improve energy efficiency, and adopt sustainable and circular practices as part of a heavily integrated sector-coupled system (Scheme 1.1).
1.2 Energy Transition Concepts – The Hydrogen Economy, Power-to-X, and Circular Economies
The energy transition requires the rapid and deep defossilisation of, firstly, the energy system and, secondly, a couple of RE with traditionally disparate economic sectors, including transportation, heavy industry, etc. Several technological concepts have been proposed that could contribute to this ambition. Perhaps the most famous and prominent in the public eye, at least, is the so-called “hydrogen economy”.19,20 This concept envisions a future where H2 plays a crucial role as a clean, versatile, and sustainable energy carrier. In this concept, H2 is produced via RE sources (e.g., green electricity, photons, etc.) and can be used as a fuel and energy storage medium across multiple sectors (Scheme 1.2). H2 produced in this manner is termed “green hydrogen”.
There are several aspects that make up the hydrogen economy concept. Some of them are summarised in the paragraphs below.
1.2.1 Hydrogen Production
H2 can be produced through various methods. The predominant methods are the highly polluting steam methane reforming and coal gasification routes. Alternative routes include biomass gasification, although it is expected that the majority of production in the future will arise from electrochemical water splitting. The emphasis in the hydrogen economy concept is on using RE-sources to generate green electricity, which can then be used for electrochemical splitting of water through a process termed electrolysis. This process involves splitting water molecules (H2O) into H2 and O2, with H2 being used and/or stored for later use. It is important to note that electrolysis can be performed in both a grid connected21 or an off-grid (e.g., direct connection to a solar PV field) manner,22 with the level of “greenness” of the former being determined by the electricity mix of the grid (RE vs. fossil energy). As will be discussed later in this book, electrolysis is a well-known and, for some variants, a market-mature technology.23 However, several challenges need to be addressed to make electrolysis suitable for the expected deployment levels (e.g., 10s of GWs of installed capacity in the EU in the coming decades)24 and the demands of a heavily integrated, RE-driven energy system. Many other technologies are also being developed which demonstrate various degrees of technology and materials integration which in the future may provide alternative and more elegant and nature-inspired routes to the production of green H2.25 One of these technologies, as discussed in a dedicated chapter (Chapter 3), termed photoelectrochemical water splitting (PEC-WS),26 combines the aspects of both photovoltaic and electrolyser technologies into highly integrated, complex devices, which provides exciting potentialities in terms of off-grid green H2 production.
1.2.2 Energy Storage and Transportation
H2 has a theoretically high energy density and can be stored and transported efficiently.27 It can be compressed, liquefied, or stored in materials like metal hydrides28 or chemical compounds29 (which, it is important to note, require energy, thus reducing the net energy stored). Additionally, existing natural gas pipelines can be repurposed for H2 transportation, enabling the integration of H2 into existing energy infrastructure.30 Both pipelines and storage tanks for H2 require specific materials innovation. Recent reviews have been published that discuss the respective challenges associated with both pipes and tanks.31–33 H2 can be subsequently utilised in a wide range of applications. It can be burned in hydrogen-powered internal combustion engines34 or used more efficiently in fuel cells (FC) to generate electricity (e.g., to drive mobility drivetrains).35 When H2 reacts with O2 in a FC, the only by-product is water (H2O), making it a clean and emission-free energy carrier. H2 can thus power vehicles, provide heat and electricity for infrastructure (such as buildings, off-grid telecommunications, etc.), and even be used in industrial processes.
1.2.3 Sector Integration and Energy System Flexibility
When produced from RE, H2 can act as an energy connection molecule between conventionally disparate sectors like energy production and heavy industry. It offers a solution to defossilise sectors that are difficult to electrify directly with RE, including heavy-duty transportation,36 long-distance shipping,37 and certain industrial processes such as existing “legacy” steel manufacturing plants.38 As intermittent RE sources like solar and wind experience fluctuations (day/night or seasonal cycles), excess (and potentially low-cost) electricity can be used to power water electrolysis (an approach often referred to as “peak shaving” – see the concept of “power-to-X” below). This approach can act to reduce both the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) and the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH). In principle, H2 can then be stored and supplied to different sectors for use and, if required, converted back to electricity when RE generation is low. Thus, this can act to provide a means for both energy storage and system flexibility (with increased resilience).
In the field, the “power-to-X” (PtX) concept is also receiving significant attention. It essentially refers to converting surplus renewable electricity, for example, during peak shaving, into other valuable forms of energy or chemical compounds (the “X”).39 In power-to-gas (PtG), the surplus of RE powers water electrolysis units to produce H2 (and O2) (i.e., power-to-hydrogen (PtH)).40 H2 can further convert COx (e.g., captured from industrial process exhausts or directly from the atmosphere) to produce synthetic chemicals and/or fuels. One option is the production of methane (CH4) (i.e., power-to-methane; PtM), which itself can be stored, transported, and used as a renewable substitute for natural gas in heating and power generation whilst utilising existing significant natural gas infrastructure.41 The chemistry and catalysis involved in this methane synthesis reaction, the Sabatier reaction, will be discussed in Chapter 8.
The power-to-liquids (PtL) concept encompasses the production of various synthetic liquids, chemicals, and fuels.42 Regarding fuels, this can include synthetic gasoline, diesel, kerosene, and other multi-use oxygenates (e.g., methanol, dimethyl ether) using surplus RE-electricity.43 As for PtM, waste carbon dioxide is converted catalytically with green H2. A potential advantage of this approach is that these synthetic fuels can be viewed as drop-in replacements for fossil fuels without significant changes to existing infrastructure. This approach is particularly focused on the synthesis of synthetic alternatives to diesel44 and aviation fuels.45 Regarding chemicals (i.e., power-to-chemicals (PtC)), this approach involves the production of platform and/or valuable chemicals and/or raw materials using RE. The range of target products is extensive (from carbonates to polyurethanes, alcohols, ammonia, etc.), although most of these technologies focus on converting carbon oxides and biomass-derived molecules. A classic example (Figure 1.1) of a product is methanol (CH3OH; >100 million tonnes per year industrial platform chemical; often denoted as power-to-methanol).46 The production of methanol, in particular, has received particular interest, with Olah et al. proposing an extension of the hydrogen economy, termed the “methanol economy”.47
PtC also includes ammonia (NH3) production (i.e., power-to-ammonia (PtA)), whereby the traditional Haber–Bosch process can be fed with green H2; this process has historically relied on H2 supplied by SMR.48 These chemicals can be used in various industrial sectors, including fertilisers and plastics, via low molecular weight olefins. As discussed in Chapter 7, higher levels of process integration can potentially be achieved, and the conversion of nitrogen (N2 or N-containing compounds such as nitrates and nitrites) to NH3 can be achieved directly through a RE-powered electrochemical process, presenting a more elegant and potentially more efficient route to fertiliser production.49
As part of the more global hydrogen economy concept, PtX offers several benefits, including the utilisation of surplus RE (e.g., peak shaving) and inexpensive electricity to perform chemical processes. It also gives scope for alternative energy storage and grid balancing options whilst contributing to the delivery of sustainable fuels and chemicals to several different sectors (e.g., the chemical industry). Furthermore, it provides an interesting concept for developing coupled circular economy approaches for the reuse and valorisation of CO2 emissions. As for the hydrogen economy, PtX technologies face many challenges related to cost, scalability, infrastructure requirements, and the sustainability of feedstocks used in the conversion processes. Despite this, PtX is gaining increasing attention as an important contributing technology to the overall goal of cross-sectoral defossilisation.
Regarding circular economies and analogous concepts, “carbon capture & utilisation” (CCU) is a proposed concept that involves the capture of CO2 emissions from industrial processes or directly from the atmosphere and converting them into high-value/low-volume and/or low-value/high-volume products or resources. This process can simultaneously act on reducing direct GHG emissions and transform an environmental liability into a potential asset providing economic and environmental benefits.50–52 CCU encompasses various technologies and processes that aim at utilising captured CO2 rather than simply storing it in certain geological locations.51 CCU typically begins with CO2 capture from industrial sources such as cement factories and steel mills or directly from the atmosphere using direct air capture (DAC) technologies (Figure 1.2).53
Depending on the subsequent conversion process, the captured CO2 may have to be separated and purified from other gases for further utilisation. The captured CO2 can then be used as a feedstock for synthesizing chemicals, materials, or fuels (e.g., power-to-X). This can proceed via thermochemical,55 electrochemical,56 photochemical57 and/or biological58 processes to yield industrially relevant molecules such as methanol, ethanol, and acetate or even be used in the synthesis of plastics (e.g., polycarbonates)59 or concrete manufacturing for construction.60 As discussed later in this book, captured CO2 can be processed via electrochemical processes using specialised electrochemical reactor designs (see Chapter 5). This represents a higher level of device/process integration and avoids the necessity to perform water electrolysis as a first step in the thermochemical conversion of CO2 and opens a range of other interesting projects. Not discussed in this book, CO2 can also be mineralised by reacting it with certain minerals or waste materials to form stable carbonates (i.e., a carbonation process) and can be applied to make materials like concrete or construction waste, thus permanently storing CO2 in a solid form.61 Utilising captured CO2 for chemistry and fuel production has several potential benefits. It can significantly reduce CO2 emissions by capturing and utilising them rather than releasing them directly into the atmosphere. This contributes to mitigating climate change and achieving emission reduction targets, as well as providing scope for legacy industry (e.g., steel) infrastructure to continue to operate if they implement end-of-pipe emissions remediation technology.
For all the circular energy/chemical concepts introduced above, their development and implementation face challenges associated with device development and manufacture, production costs, infrastructure development, storage technologies, and ensuring the sustainability of H2 and associated chemical/fuel production. However, advancements in technology, increasing RE capacity, and supportive policies are driving the growth, offering the potential to significantly reduce GHGs, enhance energy security, and promote sustainable economic growth. Additionally, the sustainability and environmental impact of any proposed concepts (e.g., CCU processes) need to be carefully evaluated to ensure that the overall lifecycle emissions and resource requirements are, in fact, beneficial.62,63 To this end, and as discussed in Chapter 9, life cycle analysis (LCA) will be a key tool in providing this level of critical information and assessment.
1.3 Examples and Challenges
With the energy transition in mind, a number of high-level R&D projects have been completed or are running which seek to advance the technology readiness levels (TRL) and address the technological challenges of the energy transition. In this respect, a number of these projects are summarised in Table 1.1.
Acronym . | Title . | Funder . | Year . | M€ . | Comment . |
MefCO264 | Methanol fuel from CO2 | Horizon 2020 | 2014–2019 | 11.1 | Power plant waste CO2 conversion to CH3OH using green H2 |
ALIGN-CCUS65 | Accelerating Low Carbon Industrial Growth through CCUS | ERA-NET (ACT) | 2017–2020 | 23.0 | Target product: fuels including methanol from captured industrial waste CO2 |
SOLARX66 | Dispatchable Solar-to-X energy solution for high penetration of renewable energy | Horizon Europe | 2023–2026 | 2.7 | Amplification of concentrated PV benefits and to produce electricity, heat for storage or industrial processes, and green H2 or syngas |
SUN-TO-X67 | Solar Energy for Carbon-Free Liquid Fuel | Horizon 2020 | 2020–2024 | 3.1 | Photoelectrochemical humidity splitting to produce green H2 (which is then stored through a reaction with a silicon-based liquid) |
FLEXnCONFU68 | FLEXibilize combined cycle power plant through power-to-X solutions using non-CONventional FUels | Horizon 2020 | 2020–2024 | 12.6 | Power-to-X-to-power solution integrated to existing and new power plants to level the load and untap flexibility, converting electricity into H2 and/NH3 (and back again on demand) |
FReSMe69 | From Residual Steel gases to Methanol | Horizon 2020 | 2016–2021 | 11.4 | CH3OH from CO2, recovered from industrial blast furnace (BF), and H2 (from BF and electrolysis), making use of two existing pilot plants: (1) energy efficient H2 and CO2 separation; (2) CH3OH production |
— | NORSK e-FUEL70 | — | 2019–2026 | Private investment | DAC-based industrial scale PtL for synthetic aviation fuel (SAF) production |
TAKE-OFF71 | Production of synthetic renewable aviation fuel from CO2 and H2 | Horizon 2020 | 2021–2024 | 5.3 | Develop and demonstrate an innovative, integrated process for the production of SAF based on conversion of captured CO2 and renewable H2 to dimethyl ether (DME) and light olefins |
EcoFuel72 | Renewable electricity-based cyclic and economic production of fuel | Horizon 2020 | 2021–2023 | 4.9 | Demonstration of an innovative process chain to improve the energy efficiency for production of synthetic fuel from CO2 and water using RE based on consortium expertise in electrochemistry-based processes for CO2-neutral fuels |
REFHYNE II73 | Clean Refinery Hydrogen for Europe II | Horizon 2020 | 2021–2026 | 149 [39 EU] | Expand Europe’s largest PEM electrolyser from 10 MW to 100 MW for H2 production |
PEMTASTIC74 | Robust PEMFC MEA derived from model-based understanding of durability limitations for heavy duty applications | Horizon Europe/Clean Hydrogen Partnership | 2023–2026 | 3.0 | Develop durable CCM using innovative materials and a model-based design approach, targeting a durability of 20k hours at a power density of 1.2 W cm−2 (at a Pt loading of 0.30 g kW−1) for heavy duty FC applications |
HIGHLANDER75 | High-performing ultra-durable membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) for trucks | Horizon Europe/Clean Hydrogen Partnership | 2023–2025 | 3.3 | Develop MEAs for heavy-duty vehicles with disruptive, novel components, targeting stack cost and size, durability and fuel efficiency |
HySelect76 | Solar Hydrogen Production via Hybrid Sulphur Thermochemical Cycle | Horizon Europe/Clean Hydrogen Partnership | 2023–2026 | 4.0 | Using sunlight and water to produce H2 and O2 via high temperature thermochemical water splitting using concentrated solar power and a two-step water splitting cycle. H2SO4 decomposition to SO2 at high temperature and SO2 electrolysis at lower temperature, demonstrated as a full-scale plant prototype device |
ADVANCEPEM77 | Advanced High Pressure and Cost-Effective PEM Water Electrolysis Technology | Horizon Europe/Clean Hydrogen Partnership | 2023–2026 | 1.6 | Project will develop an innovative PEM electrolyser that produces H2 at high pressure (200 bar) and thus reduces post-compression energy consumption (e.g. downstream) |
HyUsPRe78 | Hydrogen Underground storage in Porous Reservoirs | Horizon 2020/Fuel Cell & Hydrogen JU | 2021–2023 | 3.7 [2.5 EU] | Project to investigate the feasibility and potential of implementing large-scale H2 storage in porous reservoirs (gas fields, aquifers) in Europe. Additionally, a techno-economic assessment will explore how underground storage could help achieve a zero-emissions energy system in Europe by 2050 |
SHERLOHCK79 | Sustainable & Cost-Effective Catalyst for H2 & Energy Storage Applications based on Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHC) | Horizon 2020/Fuel Cell & Hydrogen JU | 2021–2023 | 2.6 | Development of active and selective catalysts with partial or total substitution of PGM for the hydrogenation/dehydrogenation of LOHC cycling, operating at reduced energy intensity (e.g. via combination with heat exchangers) |
PECSYS80 | Technology demonstration of a large-scale photo-electrochemical system for solar H2 production | Horizon 2020/Fuel Cell & Hydrogen JU | 2017–2020 | 2.5 | Demonstration of a solar driven electrochemical hydrogen generation system with an area >10 m2 and an efficiency >6% as operated for 6 months at a degradation <10%. Various established PV materials (thin-film silicon, crystalline silicon and CIGS) as well as high potential material combinations (perovskite/silicon) were tested in the PV/electrolyser combination |
PECDEMO81 | Photoelectrochemical Demonstrator Device for Solar Hydrogen Generation | EU FP7/Fuel Cell & Hydrogen JU | 2014–2017 | 3.3 [1.8 EU] | Project developed a hybrid PEC–PV tandem device for light-driven water splitting based on a visible light-absorbing metal oxide photoelectrode (immersed in water) and placed in front of a smaller-band gap thin film PV cell. This tandem ensured optimal use of the solar spectrum, while the chemically stable metal oxide protected the underlying PV cell from photo-corrosion |
ARTIPHYCTION82 | A fully artificial photo-electrochemical device for low temperature hydrogen production | EU FP7 | 2012–2015 | 3.6 [2.2 EU] | Project developed a device to convert solar energy into H2 with close to 10% efficiency for water splitting at ambient temperature, based on photosystem II and enzymes |
METHASOL83 | International cooperation for selective conversion of CO2 into METHAnol under SOLar light | Horizon 2020 | 2021–2024 | 5.2 [4.0 EU] | Development of a sustainable and cost-efficient production process that relies on selective visible-light-driven gas-phase CO2 reduction, with a solar energy-to-methanol conversion efficiency of 5% |
CRESCENDO84 | Critical Raw material ElectrocatalystS replacement ENabling Designed pOst-2020 PEMFC | Horizon 2020/Fuel Cell & Hydrogen JU | 2018–2020 | 2.7 | Development of highly active/long-term stable non-PGM electrocatalysts for PEMFC cathodes; redesign of the catalyst layer to achieve target power density and durability requirements (0.42 W cm−2 at 0.7 V; 1000 h with <30% performance loss at 1.5 A cm−2); scale-up to industrially relevant cell areas |
Acronym . | Title . | Funder . | Year . | M€ . | Comment . |
MefCO264 | Methanol fuel from CO2 | Horizon 2020 | 2014–2019 | 11.1 | Power plant waste CO2 conversion to CH3OH using green H2 |
ALIGN-CCUS65 | Accelerating Low Carbon Industrial Growth through CCUS | ERA-NET (ACT) | 2017–2020 | 23.0 | Target product: fuels including methanol from captured industrial waste CO2 |
SOLARX66 | Dispatchable Solar-to-X energy solution for high penetration of renewable energy | Horizon Europe | 2023–2026 | 2.7 | Amplification of concentrated PV benefits and to produce electricity, heat for storage or industrial processes, and green H2 or syngas |
SUN-TO-X67 | Solar Energy for Carbon-Free Liquid Fuel | Horizon 2020 | 2020–2024 | 3.1 | Photoelectrochemical humidity splitting to produce green H2 (which is then stored through a reaction with a silicon-based liquid) |
FLEXnCONFU68 | FLEXibilize combined cycle power plant through power-to-X solutions using non-CONventional FUels | Horizon 2020 | 2020–2024 | 12.6 | Power-to-X-to-power solution integrated to existing and new power plants to level the load and untap flexibility, converting electricity into H2 and/NH3 (and back again on demand) |
FReSMe69 | From Residual Steel gases to Methanol | Horizon 2020 | 2016–2021 | 11.4 | CH3OH from CO2, recovered from industrial blast furnace (BF), and H2 (from BF and electrolysis), making use of two existing pilot plants: (1) energy efficient H2 and CO2 separation; (2) CH3OH production |
— | NORSK e-FUEL70 | — | 2019–2026 | Private investment | DAC-based industrial scale PtL for synthetic aviation fuel (SAF) production |
TAKE-OFF71 | Production of synthetic renewable aviation fuel from CO2 and H2 | Horizon 2020 | 2021–2024 | 5.3 | Develop and demonstrate an innovative, integrated process for the production of SAF based on conversion of captured CO2 and renewable H2 to dimethyl ether (DME) and light olefins |
EcoFuel72 | Renewable electricity-based cyclic and economic production of fuel | Horizon 2020 | 2021–2023 | 4.9 | Demonstration of an innovative process chain to improve the energy efficiency for production of synthetic fuel from CO2 and water using RE based on consortium expertise in electrochemistry-based processes for CO2-neutral fuels |
REFHYNE II73 | Clean Refinery Hydrogen for Europe II | Horizon 2020 | 2021–2026 | 149 [39 EU] | Expand Europe’s largest PEM electrolyser from 10 MW to 100 MW for H2 production |
PEMTASTIC74 | Robust PEMFC MEA derived from model-based understanding of durability limitations for heavy duty applications | Horizon Europe/Clean Hydrogen Partnership | 2023–2026 | 3.0 | Develop durable CCM using innovative materials and a model-based design approach, targeting a durability of 20k hours at a power density of 1.2 W cm−2 (at a Pt loading of 0.30 g kW−1) for heavy duty FC applications |
HIGHLANDER75 | High-performing ultra-durable membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) for trucks | Horizon Europe/Clean Hydrogen Partnership | 2023–2025 | 3.3 | Develop MEAs for heavy-duty vehicles with disruptive, novel components, targeting stack cost and size, durability and fuel efficiency |
HySelect76 | Solar Hydrogen Production via Hybrid Sulphur Thermochemical Cycle | Horizon Europe/Clean Hydrogen Partnership | 2023–2026 | 4.0 | Using sunlight and water to produce H2 and O2 via high temperature thermochemical water splitting using concentrated solar power and a two-step water splitting cycle. H2SO4 decomposition to SO2 at high temperature and SO2 electrolysis at lower temperature, demonstrated as a full-scale plant prototype device |
ADVANCEPEM77 | Advanced High Pressure and Cost-Effective PEM Water Electrolysis Technology | Horizon Europe/Clean Hydrogen Partnership | 2023–2026 | 1.6 | Project will develop an innovative PEM electrolyser that produces H2 at high pressure (200 bar) and thus reduces post-compression energy consumption (e.g. downstream) |
HyUsPRe78 | Hydrogen Underground storage in Porous Reservoirs | Horizon 2020/Fuel Cell & Hydrogen JU | 2021–2023 | 3.7 [2.5 EU] | Project to investigate the feasibility and potential of implementing large-scale H2 storage in porous reservoirs (gas fields, aquifers) in Europe. Additionally, a techno-economic assessment will explore how underground storage could help achieve a zero-emissions energy system in Europe by 2050 |
SHERLOHCK79 | Sustainable & Cost-Effective Catalyst for H2 & Energy Storage Applications based on Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHC) | Horizon 2020/Fuel Cell & Hydrogen JU | 2021–2023 | 2.6 | Development of active and selective catalysts with partial or total substitution of PGM for the hydrogenation/dehydrogenation of LOHC cycling, operating at reduced energy intensity (e.g. via combination with heat exchangers) |
PECSYS80 | Technology demonstration of a large-scale photo-electrochemical system for solar H2 production | Horizon 2020/Fuel Cell & Hydrogen JU | 2017–2020 | 2.5 | Demonstration of a solar driven electrochemical hydrogen generation system with an area >10 m2 and an efficiency >6% as operated for 6 months at a degradation <10%. Various established PV materials (thin-film silicon, crystalline silicon and CIGS) as well as high potential material combinations (perovskite/silicon) were tested in the PV/electrolyser combination |
PECDEMO81 | Photoelectrochemical Demonstrator Device for Solar Hydrogen Generation | EU FP7/Fuel Cell & Hydrogen JU | 2014–2017 | 3.3 [1.8 EU] | Project developed a hybrid PEC–PV tandem device for light-driven water splitting based on a visible light-absorbing metal oxide photoelectrode (immersed in water) and placed in front of a smaller-band gap thin film PV cell. This tandem ensured optimal use of the solar spectrum, while the chemically stable metal oxide protected the underlying PV cell from photo-corrosion |
ARTIPHYCTION82 | A fully artificial photo-electrochemical device for low temperature hydrogen production | EU FP7 | 2012–2015 | 3.6 [2.2 EU] | Project developed a device to convert solar energy into H2 with close to 10% efficiency for water splitting at ambient temperature, based on photosystem II and enzymes |
METHASOL83 | International cooperation for selective conversion of CO2 into METHAnol under SOLar light | Horizon 2020 | 2021–2024 | 5.2 [4.0 EU] | Development of a sustainable and cost-efficient production process that relies on selective visible-light-driven gas-phase CO2 reduction, with a solar energy-to-methanol conversion efficiency of 5% |
CRESCENDO84 | Critical Raw material ElectrocatalystS replacement ENabling Designed pOst-2020 PEMFC | Horizon 2020/Fuel Cell & Hydrogen JU | 2018–2020 | 2.7 | Development of highly active/long-term stable non-PGM electrocatalysts for PEMFC cathodes; redesign of the catalyst layer to achieve target power density and durability requirements (0.42 W cm−2 at 0.7 V; 1000 h with <30% performance loss at 1.5 A cm−2); scale-up to industrially relevant cell areas |
1.4 Objective of the Book and Content Summary
The overarching objective of this book is to provide an introduction, discussion and concise review of a number of different chemical technologies that will contribute to the ongoing energy transition. The content is not complete as a book on the subject would extend to a number of volumes as is the nature of the RDI underway in the field. Instead, the book offers a number of chapters from leading researchers which provide a detailed review and discussion on the state of the art and the direction of innovation in their respective area of research.
The chapters of this book aim to provide insights into the various chemical processes and technologies that will play a crucial role in shifting from traditional fossil fuel-based energy sources to more sustainable and renewable alternatives. Chapters 2 and 3 are dedicated to hydrogen production, which, as mentioned before, is one of the central technologies for the energy transition. Chapter 2 compares the four main water electrolysis technologies with respect to some key techno-economic aspects such as the current–voltage curve, the economic current–voltage curve (which includes stack costs), gas crossover, heat management and gas separation, and durability. In Chapter 3, a deep overview of photo-driven hydrogen production is given. The main reactor designs and components are discussed in addition to procedures for photovoltaic characterisation, determination of stability and efficiency measurements and the reporting of all this information.
Chapter 4 goes beyond the conventional and looks at the use of the plasma phase to activate and split the key chemical bonds of the energy transition (e.g. O–H, C═O, etc.). Chapters 5 and 6 are devoted to electrochemical technologies as solutions for power-to-chemicals. In Chapter 5, the recent development in the field of the electrochemical conversion of CO2 is discussed in depth with a thorough analysis through available literature. Chapter 6 looks into electrochemical conversion as an effective, environmentally friendly and economically viable process for biomass valorisation to more valuable compounds. Conversion of molecules such as furanics, glycerol and levulinic acid is described. Moreover, an overview of paired electrolysis (simultaneous use of the cathode and anode for synthesis) is provided. Chapter 7 compiles novel approaches to activate N2 and produce NH3 at lower temperatures and pressures than those used in the Haber–Bosch process. These approaches include direct electrochemical approaches, plasma-mediated systems, and indirect electrochemical approaches (lithium mediated). In this chapter, some of the energy, economic, and materials considerations for these novel technologies are compared.
In Chapter 8, the fundamental aspects of the thermo-catalysis used for CO2 reduction to methane (a synthetic fuel) are described. Recent advances in understanding and controlling the CO2 methanation performance are reviewed by examining key mechanistic proposals and structure–activity relationships on commonly used catalysts. The book concludes in Chapter 9 with a discussion of the increasingly critical tool of “life cycle assessment” (LCA) described and with examples given in the context of hydrogen production.
The chapters of this book aim to provide insights into the various chemical processes and technologies that will play a crucial role in shifting from traditional fossil fuel-based energy sources to more sustainable and renewable alternatives. It seeks to educate readers on the advancements and challenges in the field, empowering them to contribute to the ongoing global efforts towards a successful energy transition.