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Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are associated with blood vessels and the heart and are responsible for the majority of deaths in the world. These diseases are related to heart attacks and strokes due to a blockage of blood flow, which is generally associated with atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is the narrowing and possible obstruction of veins due to the accumulation of fats and other molecules associated with the inflammatory process. In this inflammatory process, many biomolecules may be indicated as targets of therapy for disease detection and monitoring. In atherosclerosis, some changes in the levels of these targets are characteristic, such as lipids, reactive oxygen species, monocytes/macrophages, compromised endothelial cells, overexpressed receptors on the surface of these cells, and enzymes, among others. Nanomedicine and the tools associated with it allow the synthesis of customized nanoparticles and nanostructures for a more targeted therapy and diagnosis, avoiding the limitations associated with systemic administration used in conventional therapy and diagnosis. The use of biomarkers as targets allows a more defined detection and treatment that is very important for the early detection and prevention of disease progression. This chapter addresses cardiovascular diseases, in particular atherosclerosis, and presents the main known forms of treatment and diagnosis of CVDs based on luminescent phenomena combined with the tools available in nanomedicine.

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