Chapter 4: Blood Purification Membranes
Published:27 Jan 2025
Special Collection: 2025 eBook CollectionSeries: Biomaterials Science Series
L. Jin, N. Deng, Y. Xu, L. Yu, and Q. Wei, in Blood Purification Materials, ed. C. Zhao, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2025, vol. 19, ch. 4, pp. 75-100.
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Blood purification membranes (BPMs) are essential components of blood purification materials and play a pivotal role in addressing blood-related disorders. BPMs are primarily composed of cellulose-based and synthetic polymer materials, such as polyethersulfone, polyacrylonitrile, and others. However, BPMs made of a single material often encounter limitations during use, such as poor blood compatibility, hydrophilicity, and permeability. To overcome these shortcomings, BPMs are frequently modified through blending or surface and bulk modifications. The current trend is to develop novel membrane materials with specific structures that offer dimensional accuracy and functional uniqueness of BPMs or to modify existing systems that play a crucial role in the field of blood purification. This chapter primarily presents the historical background, categories, preparation, and modifications of BPMs. It is hoped that this treatment can offer valuable assistance in the continued advancement of BPMs.