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Viruses cause pandemics, leading to deaths, negative economic impacts and disruptions to the daily lives of human beings. Diagnosis is one of the main strategies used to control and monitor these pandemics. The detection of viral infections is performed by identifying the virus itself, antibodies or specific biomarkers related to it. Electrochemical sensing systems offer solutions to the drawbacks of conventional viral diagnostic approaches. The invention of printed electrodes has brought significant changes to the sensing field, leading to the development of portable sensing devices with remarkable sensitivity, selectivity and stability. This chapter summarizes recent work in the field of printed electrodes for the diagnosis of viral infections. It provides examples of the sensors developed to detect various viruses, including dengue virus, HIV, Zika virus, hepatitis viruses and SARS-COV-2. Although the development of printed electrode-based diagnostic tools is still in its early stages, the results show a promising future.

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