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Chemical sensors are a rapidly evolving technology that has attracted significant interest across various sectors, including renewable energy, healthcare monitoring, electronics, environmental monitoring, and food and agriculture. The development and mass production of cost-effective components for chemical sensors are key factors for advancements across these sectors. Therefore, scientists are continuously striving to obtain the most effective, economically feasible, and environmentally friendly materials to meet the increasing demands. Rapid advancements in nanotechnology have stimulated the exploration of nanocelluloses (NCs), leading to their emergence as promising biomaterials for chemical sensors. With the tremendous potential for the application of NCs in sensor design, it is important to evaluate their cost-effective and emerging production methods and assess their impact on sensing performance. Traditional methods have several drawbacks, including lengthy processing times, high energy consumption, and low recovery rates. To address these issues, researchers have investigated the possibility of preparing nanocellulose using cost-effective, cutting-edge, and environmentally friendly processing techniques, including the use of deep eutectic solvents, ionic liquids (ILs), and plasma technology. This chapter addresses the classification of nanocellulose, along with recent developments in environmentally friendly extraction methods. Additionally, this chapter provides a thorough discussion of the latest developments in chemical sensing applications of NCs.

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