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The previous chapters discuss the principle and uses of different kinds of transduction and technologies for detecting a range of biomarkers. Each chapter applies specific and individual techniques irrespective of the particular biomarkers. However, this chapter provides an overview of different approaches for specific biomarkers and/or diseases. For instance, various designs of glucose sensors based on different techniques, viz., colorimetric and electrochemical techniques, have been discussed. Similarly, detection strategies for the biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease using other techniques, viz., electrochemical methods (voltammetric, amperometry, and impedimetric), conductometric, and surface plasmon resonance, have been included. Several commercialized detection kits for biomarkers of cancer, glucose, and HCG have also been included. Eventually, concluding remarks are given on such biomarkers. Finally, risk assessment and legal obligations for introducing such devices have been discussed in the present context for future development.

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