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In numerous cases, molecules and bioreceptors such as proteins, enzymes, DNA, and nanomaterials have been employed to detect and measure specific analytes. Some of these prototypes have evolved into compact, intelligent devices and detection kits. Examples include pregnancy tests, glucose monitors, COVID test kits, and cholesterol sensors, each incorporating various biomolecules and nanomaterials. This book represents a collaborative effort to chronicle the development of such devices, consolidating compelling multidisciplinary insights into a single volume. The aim is to enhance the understanding and knowledge of scholars in physical sciences (chemistry and physics) and engineers in electronics and nanotechnology. The book also emphasizes the commercial aspects of sensor technology, encouraging scientific professionals to apply their expertise in device fabrication to achieve financial success through collaboration with engineers. Furthermore, the book compiles intriguing information on various sensor types such as colorimetric, fluorometric, surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), and electrochemical devices. Additionally, readers will gain insight into diverse materials—like carbon nanomaterials, metal oxides, quantum dots, biomolecules, and small molecules—that are used in sensor fabrication. The systematic literature within the book aims to provide clarity and direction for the field′s advancement. This project promises to inspire and guide the scientific community towards further innovation in this crucial area.

Vishal Mutreja

Deepika Kathuria

Shweta Sareen

Jeongwon Park

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