Applications of Solid Phase Microextraction
Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) has been introduced as a modern alternative to current sample preparation technology, and has a wide range of applications. Focusing on quantitative aspects of analysis, Applications of Solid Phase Microextraction aims to describe these applications.
In industry, practical uses of SPME can be found in environmental, food, pharmaceutical, clinical and forensic applications, all of which are described in this book. Important scientific applications such as reaction monitoring, characterization of coatings and distributions of analytes in natural multiphase systems are also discussed. Throughout there are descriptions of new technologies, including new coatings and interfaces for analytical instrumentation (SPME/LC and SPME/CE), automation and calibration processes.
Written by internationally recognised experts, edited by the scientist involved in the research since its infancy, and encompassing a wide range of applications, this book will be ideal for anyone wishing to explore the feasibility of using SPME technology.
Applications of Solid Phase Microextraction, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 1999.
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Table of contents
Quantitative aspects of SPMEp3-21ByJanusz PawliszynJanusz PawliszynSenior ReporterSearch for other works by this author on:
Quantitation by SPME before reaching a partition equilibriump22-38By
SPME coupled to capillary electrophoresisp41-48By
Selectivity in SPMEp49-56By
Properties of commercial SPME coatingsp57-72By
Sol-gel technology for thermally stable coatings in SPMEp73-91By
Solid versus liquid coatingsp92-108By
Application of SPME to study sorption phenomena on dissolved humic organic matterp111-128By
The use of SPME to measure free concentrations and phospholipid/water and protein/ water partition coefficientsp129-139By
Estimation of hydrophobicity of organic compoundsp140-156By
Air sampling with SPMEp159-168By
The application of SPME in water analysisp169-187By
The application of SPME to pesticide residue analysisp188-200By
Inter-laboratory validation of SPME for the quantitative analysis of aqueous samplesp201-211By
SPME for the determination of organochlorine pesticides in natural watersp212-226By
Determination of sulfur-containing compounds in wastewaterp227-237By
Analysis of creosote and oil in aqueous contaminations by SPMEp238-247By
Direct analysis of solids using SPMEp248-257By
Analysis of solid samples by hot water extraction-SPMEp258-268By
Field analysis by SPMEp269-283By
Organometallic speciation by combining aqueous phase derivatization with SPME–GC–FPD–MSp284-295By
Metal speciation by SPME–CGC–ICPMSp296-310By
The application of SPME–LC–MS to the determination of contaminants in complex environmental matricesp311-326By
SPME–HPLC of environmental pollutantsp327-332By
Analysis of industrial pollutants in environmental samplesp333-346By
Analysis of food and plant volatilesp349-363By
Application of SPME to measure volatile metabolites produced by staphylococcus carnosus and staphylococcus xylosusp364-371By
Application of SPME methods for the determination of volatile wine aroma compounds in view of the varietal characterizationp372-392By
Analysis of vodkas and white rums by SPMS–GC–MSp393-406By
Analysis of food volatiles using SPMEp407-422By
Analysis of volatile contaminants in foodsp423-434By
Determination of pesticides in foods by automated SPMS–GC–MSp435-447By
SPME in the study of chemical communication in social waspsp448-458By
Propyl chloroformate derivatisation and SPME–GC for screening Of amines in urinep461-469By
Isolation of drugs and poisons in biological fluids by SPMEp470-485By
On-fiber derivatization for analysis of steroids by SPME and GC–MSp486-496By
SPME–Quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry for the determination of drugs of abuse in biological matricesp497-509By
Analysis of drugs in biological fluids using SPMEp510-526By
SPME–Microcolumm LC: Application to toxicological drug analysisp527-539By
Optimization of drug analysis by SPMEp540-556By
Applications of SPME for the biomonitoring of human exposure to toxic substancesp557-572By
Applications of SPME in criminal investigationsp573-582By
SPME–GC–MS detection analysis of maillard reaction productsp585-608By
SPME investigation of intermediates produced during biodegradation of contaminated materialsp609-622By
Infrared spectroscopic detection for SPMEp625-637By
SPME in Near-IR Fiber-optic Evanescent Field Absorption Spectroscopy: A Method forRapid, Remote In situ Monitoring of Nonpolar Organic Compounds in Waterp638-653By