Chapter 8: Nanophotocatalysis in Selective Transformations of Lignocellulose-derived Molecules: A Green Approach for the Synthesis of Fuels, Fine Chemicals, and Pharmaceuticals
Published:06 Nov 2015
Special Collection: 2015 ebook collection , ECCC Environmental eBooks 1968-2022 , 2011-2015 materials and nanoscience subject collectionSeries: Green Chemistry Series
J. C. Colmenares, in Green Photo-active Nanomaterials: Sustainable Energy and Environmental Remediation, ed. N. Nuraje, R. Asmatulu, and G. Mul, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015, ch. 8, pp. 168-201.
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Heterogeneous nanophotocatalysis has become a comprehensively studied area of research over the past two decades due to its practical interest in many applications including water/air detoxification/disinfection, cancer therapy, sterilization, CO2 photoreduction (artificial photosynthesis), anti-fogging surfaces, heat transfer and heat dissipation, anticorrosion, lithography, solar chemicals synthesis, and several other applications. Excited electron–hole pairs are generated upon light irradiation of a wide-band gap semiconductor which can be applied to solar cells to generate electricity or in chemical processes to create/degrade specific compounds. The excitation of a catalyst by solar light to start chemical reactions is an excellent representative example of green chemistry principles. While the field of heterogeneous photocatalysis for pollutant abatement and mineralization of contaminants has been extensively investigated, a new research avenue related to the selective valorization of lignocellulose has recently emerged as a promising alternative to utilize solar light for the production of valuable chemicals and fuels. This chapter will focus on the potential applications of solid nanophotocatalysts in the selective conversion of lignocellulose-derived substrates into fuels, fine chemicals, and pharmaceutical intermediates.