Metal-Organic and Organic Molecular Magnets
Traditionally, magnetic materials have been metals or, if inorganic compounds such as oxides, of continuous lattice type. However, in recent years chemists have synthesized increasing numbers of crystalline solids based on molecular building blocks in the form of coordination and organometallic complexes or purely organic molecules, which exhibit spontaneous magnetization. In striking contrast to conventional magnets, these materials are made from solutions close to room temperature rather than by metallurgical or ceramic methods. This book, which originates from contributions to a Discussion Meeting of The Royal Society of London, brings together many of the leading international practitioners in the field, who survey their own recent work and place it in the context of the wider fields of magnetism and supramolecular chemistry. All aspects of molecular-based magnets are addressed, including synthesis, structure-property relations and physical properties. Contents include details of the characterization of the first purely organic ferromagnet, the synthesis of high coercivity materials and a unique description of new materials with Curie temperatures well above ambient. A coherent survey of this rapidly developing field for the more general reader, Metal-Organic and Organic Molecular Magnets will also be welcomed by researchers and lecturers in materials science and inorganic or solid state chemistry.
The Royal Society and P. Hurst, Metal-Organic and Organic Molecular Magnets, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 1999.
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Table of contents
Front coverByA. E. UnderhillA. E. UnderhillSenior ReporterSearch for other works by this author on:
Front MatterByA. E. UnderhillA. E. UnderhillSenior ReporterSearch for other works by this author on:
PrefaceByA. E. UnderhillA. E. UnderhillSenior ReporterSearch for other works by this author on:
ContentsByA. E. UnderhillA. E. UnderhillSenior ReporterSearch for other works by this author on:
Molecular-based magnets: Setting the scenep1-3By
p-Nitrophenyl nitronyl nitroxide: the first organic ferromagnetp4-21By
Crystal architectures of organic molecular-based magnetsp22-40By
Unusual crystal structures and properties of nitronylnitroxide radicals. Possible RVB states in molecule-based magnetsp41-70By
Muon-spin-rotation studies of organic magnetsp71-85By
High-spin polymeric arylaminesp86-104By
Room-temperature molecule-based magnetsp105-122By
Design of novel magnets using Prussian blue analoguesp123-149By
Magnetic anisotropy in molecule-based magnetsp150-168By
Multifunctional coordination compounds: design and propertiesp169-184By
Ferrimagnetic and metamagnetic layered cobalt(II)hydroxides: first observation of a coercive field greater than 5 Tp185-205By
Towards magnetic liquid crystalsp206-220By
Quantum size effects in molecular magnetsp221-239By
Large metal clusters and lattices with analogues to biologyp240-259By
New high-spin clusters featuring transition metalsp260-278By
From ferromagnets to high-spin molecules: the role of the organic ligandsp279-298By
Molecular-based magnets: an epiloguep299-302By
The Bakerian Lecture, 1999 The molecular chemistry of magnets and superconductorsp303-324By
Back coverpX003-X004ByA. E. UnderhillA. E. UnderhillSenior ReporterSearch for other works by this author on: