Advances in Biological Solid-State NMR: Proteins and Membrane-Active Peptides, ed. F. Separovic and A. Naito, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014, pp. P005-P006.
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This book describes the methodology and applications of solid-state NMR spectroscopy to studies of proteins, membrane-active peptides and model biological membranes. As well as structural studies, membrane interactions and molecular motions are described. Experts who are leaders in the development and application of biological solid-state NMR have contributed an exciting range of topics that cover recent advances in high-resolution structure determination of membrane-associated proteins and peptides by multidimensional solid-state NMR spectroscopy; studies of orientation, conformation, dynamics and interaction of proteins and peptides in magnetically aligned membrane systems; developments of novel solid-state NMR techniques, including resolution and sensitivity enhancement; and computational and dynamic information of biological molecules.
Solid-state NMR is a unique technique in structural biology, since local motions can be studied without the complexity of overall tumbling of biological complexes over a wide dynamic range in relation to biological function. The molecular arrangement of supramolecular complexes and fibril formation in relation to molecular folding, misfolding and aggregation can also be addressed. We are grateful to our contributors who have showcased developments in biological solid-state NMR, which have been arranged under the following sections: (i) introduction to biological solid-state NMR (Chapters 1–5); (ii) applications to biological membranes (Chapters 6–10); (iii) membrane-active peptides (Chapters 11–16); (iv) membrane proteins (Chapters 17–23); and (v) protein assemblies and in-cell NMR (Chapters 24–28). We envisage these topics will prove useful to both novices and seasoned practitioners of NMR and signal a resurgence in solid-state applications to biological systems.
Finally, we would like to thank Professor William S. Price for inviting us to edit this book as part of the New Developments in NMR series. We also thank Ms Rosalind Searle of the Royal Society of Chemistry for her encouragement and assistance in putting the book together.
Frances Separovic
Akira Naito