14: Alcohol Technical Defences in Road Traffic Casework
Published:14 Jul 2016
Special Collection: RSC eTextbook CollectionProduct Type: Textbooks
M. Scott-Ham, in Forensic Toxicology: Drug Use and Misuse, ed. S. Davies, A. Johnston, and D. Holt, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016, pp. 276-296.
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Laws relating to alcohol considerations in road traffic casework are discussed along with various scientific principles. Pre-analytical considerations are highlighted as important issues. Guidelines concerning fundamental knowledge, such as alcohol elimination rates, blood to breath ratios and use of the so-called Widmark formula are presented. Calculations useful to such cases are discussed and suggestions for their implementation made. A format for the presentation of the data in a logical sequence in forensic reports, along with other important background information for such cases, is suggested along with some possible scientific defences and observations.