Protein Crystallography: Challenges and Practical Solutions
Protein crystallography has become vital to further understanding the structure and function of many complex biological systems. In recent years, structure determination has progressed tremendously however the quality of crystals and data sets can prevent the best results from being obtained. With contributions from world leading researchers whose software are used worldwide, this book provides a coherent approach on how to handle difficult crystallographic data and how to assess its quality. The chapters will cover all key aspects of protein crystallography, from instrumentation and data processing through to model building. This book also addresses challenges that protein crystallographers will face such as dealing with data from microcrystals and multi protein complexes. This book is ideal for both academics and researchers in industry looking for a comprehensive guide to protein crystallography.
Protein Crystallography: Challenges and Practical Solutions, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2018.
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Table of contents
Chapter 1: Practical Approaches for In Situ X-ray Crystallography: from High-throughput Screening to Serial Data Collectionp1-27ByMartin Caffrey;Martin CaffreyMembrane Structural and Functional Biology Group, Schools of Medicine and Biochemistry and Immunology, Trinity CollegeDublinIrelandSearch for other works by this author on:Meitian WangMeitian WangSearch for other works by this author on:
Chapter 2: Delivery of GPCR Crystals for Serial Femtosecond Crystallographyp28-53ByE. E. Abola;E. E. AbolaUniversity of Southern California, Bridge Institute, Department of Chemistry1002 Childs WayLos Angeles 90089USA[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:U. Weierstall;U. WeierstallArizona State University, Department of PhysicsTempeAZ 85287-1504USASearch for other works by this author on:W. Liu;W. LiuBiodesign Center for Applied Structural Discovery, Biodesign Institute, School of Molecular Sciences, Arizona State UniversityTempeAZ 85287-1504USASearch for other works by this author on:V. CherezovV. CherezovUniversity of Southern California, Bridge Institute, Department of Chemistry1002 Childs WayLos Angeles 90089USA[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:
Chapter 3: The Mesh&Collect Pipeline for the Collection of Multi-crystal Data Sets in Macromolecular Crystallographyp54-87ByNicolas Foos;Nicolas FoosStructural Biology Group, European Synchrotron Radiation FacilityCS 40220Grenoble 38043France[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Gleb Bourenkov;Gleb BourenkovEuropean Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Hamburg OutstationNotkestrasse 8522607 HamburgGermanySearch for other works by this author on:Gordon Leonard;Gordon LeonardStructural Biology Group, European Synchrotron Radiation FacilityCS 40220Grenoble 38043France[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Igor Melnikov;Igor MelnikovStructural Biology Group, European Synchrotron Radiation FacilityCS 40220Grenoble 38043France[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Christoph Mueller-Dieckmann;Christoph Mueller-DieckmannStructural Biology Group, European Synchrotron Radiation FacilityCS 40220Grenoble 38043France[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Max Nanao;Max NanaoStructural Biology Group, European Synchrotron Radiation FacilityCS 40220Grenoble 38043France[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Alexander Popov;Alexander PopovStructural Biology Group, European Synchrotron Radiation FacilityCS 40220Grenoble 38043France[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Gianluca Santoni;Gianluca SantoniStructural Biology Group, European Synchrotron Radiation FacilityCS 40220Grenoble 38043France[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Ulrich ZanderUlrich ZanderStructural Biology Group, European Synchrotron Radiation FacilityCS 40220Grenoble 38043France[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:
Chapter 4: Radiation Damage in Macromolecular Crystallographyp88-116ByElspeth F. Garman;Elspeth F. GarmanLaboratory of Molecular Biophysics, Department of Biochemistry, University of OxfordSouth Parks RoadOxford OX1 3QUUK[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Martin WeikMartin WeikInstitut de Biologie Structurale, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CEA, CNRSF-38044 GrenobleFrance[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:
Chapter 5: Data Quality Analysisp117-139ByM. Vollmar;M. VollmarDiamond Light Source Ltd.Harwell Science & Innovation CampusHarwellOxfordshire OX11 0DEUK[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Phil EvansPhil EvansMRC Laboratory of Molecular BiologyFrancis Crick AvenueCambridge Biomedical CampusCambridge CB2 0QHUKSearch for other works by this author on:
Chapter 6: Structure Determination at Low-resolution, Anisotropic Data and Crystal Twinningp140-156ByJindrich Symersky;Jindrich SymerskyRosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology3333 Green Bay RoadNorth ChicagoILUSA[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Yi Guo;Yi GuoRosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology3333 Green Bay RoadNorth ChicagoILUSA[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:Jimin Wang;Jimin WangYale University, Department of Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry266 Whitney AvenueNew HavenCTUSASearch for other works by this author on:Min LuMin LuRosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology3333 Green Bay RoadNorth ChicagoILUSA[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:
Chapter 7: Structure Determination and Refinement of Large Macromolecular Assemblies at Low Resolutionp157-180ByRichard D. BunkerRichard D. BunkerFriedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical ResearchMaulbeerstasse 66Basel 4058Switzerland[email protected]Search for other works by this author on:
Chapter 8: Crystallography with X-ray Free Electron Lasersp181-224ByN. A. ZatsepinN. A. ZatsepinArizona State University, Biodesign Center for Applied Structural DiscoveryEast Tyler StTempeAZ 95287-7401USASearch for other works by this author on: