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Alternative energy forms and transfer mechanisms present an important domain of Process Intensification. They include, among other things, electric, magnetic, electromagnetic and acoustic fields. The current chapter discusses research developments and applications of those types of energy in the manufacturing and processing of natural polymers and biomaterials. In this area, alternative energy forms play diverse roles which are both process- and product-oriented. They result either in process intensification effects (e.g. shortening of the reaction time or more efficient separation) or in product property effects (e.g. new structures, surface functionalization or improved drug release), which are often not achievable with conventional methods. With health being one of the great societal challenges in the coming decennia, such tailored products with their unique properties will be of increasing importance for a broad range of medical applications, from body parts replacements and tissue repairs to targeted drug delivery and advanced diagnostics. Commercial manufacturing of those products using alternative energy forms requires development of reliable scale-up methodologies based on deep understanding of the underlying phenomena and energy–material interactions.

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