Published:06 Oct 2017
Membrane Engineering for the Treatment of Gases: Volume 1: Gas-separation Issues with Membranes, ed. E. Drioli, G. Barbieri, A. Brunetti, E. Drioli, G. Barbieri, and A. Brunetti, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2017, pp. P005-P006.
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The new edition of Membrane Engineering for the Treatment of Gases is an innovative reference work on membrane engineering and related technology in the field of gas separation and gaseous phase membrane reactors.
Written by leading academics and engineers from a wide range of research backgrounds and industries, the chapters describe the recent developments and future potentialities in the field of membrane engineering and explore as well how this field has progressed since the previous edition was published in 2011. Indeed, this two-book set will serve as a valuable tool for researchers, specialists, and practitioners looking to challenge the conventional industrial approach through the innovations introduced by membrane science and engineering in the field of gas treatment. Cutting-edge research will provide readers with the knowledge and tools to understand the processes linking the theoretical and fundamental background with the engineering approach for the final actualization of the membrane unit.
Moreover, in the last six years, significant progress has also been achieved in several membrane research centers in Asia and similar activities are emerging in the Middle East, in addition to the ones in the USA and Europe. As a consequence, a window has opened in these new research centers and thus, research leaders from these countries have been invited to contribute to this new edition.
Together with updates to the chapters already present in the first edition, in the first volume, particular attention is focused on recently emerged new membrane materials for gas separation, such as graphene-based membranes, polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIMs) and thermally rearranged membranes. Moreover, specific focus is also given to membrane pilot plant trials for gas separation such as that of CO2 from flue gas and biogas, alongside the latest achievements in multi-scale molecular modelling and updates on the analysis of zeolite membrane permeation, as well as a cost analysis of competitive membrane and hybrid systems.
Analogously to the first edition, the second volume is devoted to the main advances in gaseous phase membrane reactors and separators. Some chapters are focused on innovative membranes such as ultrathin Pd-based membranes also resistant to harsh conditions (H2S, for example) and on phenomena such as concentration gradients and/or inhibition that need to be taken into account for the correct design of process units. On the other hand, new processes where membrane reactors find room for their application, such as chemical looping, liquid fuel production, etc., and zeolite membrane reactors are included, together with an update of the processes already present in the previous edition. The improved performance of advanced membrane-assisted operations is discussed in the context of process intensification strategies, incorporating innovation/novelty into the process design.
Giuseppe Barbieri, Enrico Drioli, and Adele Brunetti