List of Symbols
Published:03 Aug 2018
Special Collection: 2018 ebook collectionSeries: New Developments in NMR
Paramagnetism in Experimental Biomolecular NMR, ed. C. Luchinat, G. Parigi, and E. Ravera, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2018, pp. P012-P015.
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- 1
identity matrix
- γI
nuclear magnetogyric ratio
- γS
electron magnetogyric ratio
- δ
chemical shift
- δcs
contact shift
- δdia
diamagnetic chemical shift
- δhs
hyperfine shift
- δpcs
pseudocontact shift
- Δ
mean squared fluctuation of the ZFS
- Δνdfs
dynamic frequency shift
- Δνdia
diamagnetic residual dipolar coupling
- Δνrdc
paramagnetic residual dipolar coupling
- Δν
overall breadth of the EPR spectrum
- Δνhom
homogeneous linewidth of an EPR spin packet
- Δσdip
dipolar shielding anisotropy
- Δχ
magnetic susceptibility anisotropy tensor
- Δχax
axial magnetic susceptibility anisotropy
- Δχrh
rhombic magnetic susceptibility anisotropy
- Δωp
paramagnetic chemical shift of solvent ligand nuclei
energy shift due to zero-field splitting
- ε
DNP enhancement factor
- ζ
electron spin tilting angle due to electron–electron coupling in the ZQ space
- ηα/β
branching angle
- ηI(J)
nuclear Overhauser enhancement
- μ0
permeability of the vacuum
- μB
electron Bohr magneton
- μI
nuclear magnetic moment
- μS
electron magnetic moment
- 〈μS〉
electron induced magnetic moment
- ξ
Overhauser effect coupling factor
- ρ
electron spin density at the nucleus
- ρI/ρS
longitudinal relaxation rate of spin I/S
- σDIP
Dipolar shielding tensor
- σFC
Fermi contact shielding tensor
- σhs
hyperfine shielding tensor
- σI(J)
cross-relaxation rate
- σIS
electron–nuclear cross-relaxation rate
- τ1e
longitudinal electron relaxation time
- τ2e
transverse electron relaxation time
- τc
correlation time
- τD
diffusional correlation time
- τe
electron relaxation time
- τl
correlation time for the local motions
- τM
exchange time
- τr
reorientation correlation time
- τv
correlation time for electron relaxation
- χ
magnetic susceptibility per molecule
- χiso
isotropic part of the magnetic susceptibility
- χq
quadrupolar coupling constant
- ωI
nuclear Larmor frequency times 2π
- ωS
electron Larmor frequency times 2π
- ω1S
electron Rabi frequency times 2π
- ωµw
microwave frequency times 2π
- ωZFS
zero-field splitting shift in units of frequency times 2π
- ΩS
EPR frequency offset in the µw rotating frame
- A
hyperfine coupling operator
dipole–dipole operator
Fermi-contact operator/coupling constant
- A
secular hyperfine coupling constant
- B0
external magnetic field in tesla (magnetic induction)
- B1
oscillating μw field in tesla (magnetic induction)
- B
pseudo-secular hyperfine coupling constant
- d
distance of closest approach
- D
axial zero-field splitting constant
- D
ZFS tensor
- Dee
electron–electron coupling tensor
- dee
electron–electron dipolar coupling constant
- D
diagonal e–e coupling element
- D
off-diagonal e–e coupling element in the ZQ space
diffusion coefficients of the paramagnetic molecule/ligand molecule
- E
rhombic zero-field splitting constant
- f
Overhauser effect leakage factor
- fM
mole fraction of ligand nuclei in bound positions
- g
g tensor
- g
g factor
- ge
free-electron g factor
- ħ
Planck's constant divided by 2π
- Hhc
hyperfine coupling Hamiltonian
solid effect Hamiltonian
cross effect Hamiltonian
- HΔ
electron–electron ZQ Hamiltonian
- HΣ
electron–electron DQ Hamiltonian
zero-field splitting Hamiltonian
- I
nuclear spin
- 〈Iz〉
expectation value of Iz
- 〈Iz〉0
expectation value of Iz in thermal equilibrium
- 1J
- Jee
electron–electron exchange interaction constant
- J(ω,τ)
spectral density function
- k
Boltzmann constant
- k
rate matrix
- K
cross effect transition moment
- KD
dissociation constant
- kex
exchange rate
- KM
Michaelis constant
- koff
dissociation rate constant
- kon
association rate constant
- M
- mI
nuclear magnetic spin quantum number
- mS
electron magnetic spin quantum number
- n
orientation vector in the unit sphere
- NA
Avogadro's constant
- Nα/β
population number of spin ground/excited state for I=½
- P
probability tensor
- pA
weighting factor for A
- q
hydration number
- r
vector connecting the positions of the nuclear and electron spins
- r1
longitudinal relaxivity
- R
relaxation matrix
- R1/R2
longitudinal/transverse nuclear relaxation rate
- R1ρ
nuclear longitudinal relaxation rate in the rotating frame
- R/R
diamagnetic longitudinal/transverse nuclear relaxation rate
- R1M/R2M
paramagnetic enhancement of the nuclear longitudinal/transverse relaxation rate
- R/R
longitudinal/transverse Curie spin relaxation rate
- R/R
longitudinal/transverse dipole–dipole relaxation rate
- R/R
longitudinal/transverse Fermi contact relaxation rate
- R1p/R2p
paramagnetic enhancement of the longitudinal/transverse relaxation rate of ligand nuclei
- R/R
paramagnetic outer-sphere longitudinal/transverse relaxation rate of ligand nuclei
- Rex
exchange contribution to relaxation
- s
EPR saturation factor
- s
null average part of the electron spin
- S
electron spin
- S
solvent accessibility
- SC
thermal average of the electron spin
Lipari–Szabo parameter
- 〈SS〉
effective electron spin dyadic
- 〈Sz〉
expectation value of Sz
- S/N
signal-to-noise ratio
- s.t.
subject to
- t
- T
- T1M
longitudinal nuclear relaxation time due to the electron–nucleus interaction
- T1q
quadrupolar longitudinal relaxation time
- TB
time constant for exponential build-up of polarization
- Tr
- v
reaction rate
- Vmax
maximal rate achievable at saturating concentration of the substrate
- w0
electron–nuclear ZQ transition probability induced by fluctuation of hyperfine coupling
- w1
nuclear SQ transition probability induced by fluctuation of hyperfine coupling
- w2
electron–nuclear DQ transition probability induced by fluctuation of hyperfine coupling
- w°
nuclear SQ transition probability not induced by hyperfine coupling
- wij
transition probabilities
- Wmax
largest weight