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Carbon-based nanomaterials have been able to infiltrate almost every aspect of analytical measurements. In this sense, carbon nanomaterials are no longer limited to electrochemical detectors and have been applied to develop innovative preconcentration, pretreatment, and separation strategies. Carbon brings a unique reactivity pattern that allows developing structures ranging in terms of dimensions, hydrophobicity, reactivity, and conductivity. Moreover, carbon also offers the possibility to assemble nanomaterials with unique band gaps and biocompatibility.

The incredible diversity of the sixth element is behind the motivation for this book, where the properties of carbon nanomaterials are applied to advance the performance of analytical chemistry. The goal of the book was to provide readers an updated overview of the area as a whole from experts in the field; not only offering a critical assessment of recent literature but also providing insights related to the current directions of the field. We believe that each chapter in this book provides an expert contribution of specific procedures linked to the design and use of carbon nanomaterials that, although far from being comprehensive, aims to broaden the perspective of both researchers and students. In this regard, Chapter 1 provides an overview of the properties of carbon nanomaterials, fabrication procedures, and the advantages of incorporating them as part of the experimental design. Chapter 2 describes how the structure of various carbon-based nanomaterials can be used to preconcentrate analytes. Chapter 3 illustrates how these nanomaterials can provide competitive advantages during the separation stage and how the surface groups exposed can be tailored to meet the reactivity of the selected analytes. Chapters 4 and 5 describe advances in terms of optical and electrochemical detection, respectively. Closing the book, Chapter 6 offer readers a glimpse related to the use of carbon nanomaterials for advanced analytical micro- and nanotechnologies.

At this point, and considering the result of this compilation, it is critically important to thank everyone who contributed time and effort to the development of this book. First and foremost, we would like to highlight the support of every co-author in the book. Without them, this project would not have been possible. It has been a pleasure to work with them and we have learned a lot from reading the chapters. We should also thank the initiative and outstanding support from the editorial team at the Royal Society of Chemistry, who provided guidance.

Agustin, Carlos, and Alberto

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