Chapter 12: Gel Phantoms for Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI and Fluor-19 MRI Oximetry
Published:07 Jul 2020
Special Collection: 2020 ebook collectionSeries: New Developments in NMR
S. H. Baete and Y. De Deene, in NMR and MRI of Gels, ed. Y. De Deene, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020, ch. 12, pp. 401-431.
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Dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) and oximetry MRI are valuable clinical tools. In order to maximize clinical effectiveness, though, there is a need for quantification and standardization; reproducible phantoms play a key role in this process. Phantoms for both methods require vascularisation and specific tissue properties in the extra-luminal space. While hollow fibre modules tackle the first requirement, gels are ideally suited to simulate contrast absorption or oxygen consumption. We review phantoms for DCE and oximetry MRI using gels and describe a 19F MRI oximetry phantom in detail. In this phantom, yeast cells suspended in a gelatine gel surrounding dialysis fibres simulate oxygen consumption by somatic cells in vivo. Several hypoxia situations can be recreated by adjusting the oxygen inflow, thus allowing for comparison of (19F) MRI oximetry markers and methods.