CHAPTER 9: Chicken Egg: Wholesome Nutrition Packed with Antioxidants
Published:01 May 2019
Special Collection: 2019 ebook collection
C. Nimalaratne and J. Wu, in Eggs as Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals for Human Health, ed. J. Wu, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019, pp. 154-172.
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In addition to serving as an exceptional source of high-quality and balanced nutrients, egg-derived compounds exert numerous beneficial biological activities including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive and antimicrobial activities. This chapter will discuss and summarize the current knowledge on the antioxidant activity exerted by egg white components, such as ovalbumin, ovotransferrin and lysozyme, as well as from egg yolk, such as aromatic amino acids, carotenoids, phosvitin and phospholipids. Furthermore, the effects of cooking, thermal processing, storage and gastrointestinal digestion on their antioxidant activity, as well as the potential of producing antioxidant-enriched eggs, will also be discussed.