Chapter 2: Flow Related Properties of Bulk Particulate Systems
Published:12 Jul 2019
Special Collection: 2019 ebook collection
A. de Ryck and C. Hare, in Powder Flow: Theory, Characterisation and Application, ed. A. Hassanpour, C. Hare, and M. Pasha, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019, ch. 2, pp. 4-38.
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In this chapter, the macroscopic mechanical response of a bulk particulate material is described and quantified following the simple Mohr–Coulomb approach. The yielding of the material, its cohesion and bulk friction are described, as well as the compressibility. The physical origin of the collective mechanical response is investigated by describing the set of forces acting on the particles. Both this macroscopic and mesoscopic approach allow the particle and particle assembly characteristics pertinent to the flowability of bulk particulate systems to be described.