Chapter 2: Microorganisms Able to Produce Biogenic Amines and Factors Affecting Their Activity
Published:01 Nov 2019
Special Collection: 2019 ebook collection
P. Russo, M. Fragasso, C. Berbegal, F. Grieco, G. Spano, and V. Capozzi, in Biogenic Amines in Food: Analysis, Occurrence and Toxicity, ed. B. Saad and R. Tofalo, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019, ch. 2, pp. 18-40.
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What is the microbial diversity behind the production of biogenic amines in foods and beverages? What is the food-related significance of this specific subset of micro-biodiversity? What is the influence of physical, chemical and biological determinants associated with food and beverages matrices that can, directly and indirectly, modulate the concentration of these low molecular weight organic bases? This chapter aims to summarize several aspects that appear to be crucial for a renewed management of the levers susceptible to minimize the content of biogenic amines in edible matrices, highlighting the present main trends and possible future perspectives in the field.