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Circular economy thinking is promoting the creation of a Circular Bioeconomy that focuses on the valorisation of agricultural waste, co-products and by-products (AWCB) from crop production in order to create new value-added products and looped systems. The concept of a circular system compared to a linear agricultural system is discussed in order to set the scene, illustrating how life cycle assessment methodology must adapt in order allow for analysis, focusing on the implications of agricultural waste valorisation. Five case studies are then presented to illustrate circular bioeconomy: general crop AWCB valorised for animal feed; rice AWCB valorised by composting; olive AWCB valorised by pyrolysis; potato AWCB valorised as an input to composite material production; and tomato AWCB valorised as a pesticide by biosolarization. The common findings from these examples are then discussed in terms of designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use for as long as possible and restorative and regenerative practices for natural systems.

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