Chapter 6: Polymer Depletion: Recent Progress for Polymer/Colloid Phase Diagrams
Published:24 Jul 2008
Special Collection: 2008 ebook collection
G. Fleer, in New Frontiers in Colloid Science: A Celebration of the Career of Brian Vincent, ed. S. Biggs, T. Cosgrove, and P. Dowding, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2008, ch. 6, pp. 107-121.
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A new theory for the phase behaviour of a mixture of colloids and nonadsorbing polymer is outlined. In such a mixture there is a depletion zone (thickness δs) around the colloids (radius a) which is void of polymer. Existing theory assumes δs to be equal to the radius R of the polymer coils. This is a fair approximation for the colloid limit (small q = R/a) but fails in the protein limit (large q = R/a) where δs becomes equal to the concentration-dependent correlation length ξ in semidilute solutions. The new theory includes a correct description for both limits and applies to intermediate size ratios (q ≈ 1) as well.