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In this chapter, the synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications of metal organic framework nanoparticles (MOF-NPs) are discussed. This chapter begins with a general introduction, then the synthesis and characterization methods of MOFs and MOF-NPs are discussed, as well as the catalytic applications of MOF-NPs. The focus is set on design strategies for the synthesis of MOF-NPs, in conjunction with characterization techniques and recent progress in the synthesis of advanced MOF-NPs, such as base metal NPs, multi-metallic nanoparticles and NPs with a core–shell structure. Regarding the catalytic applications of MOF-NPs, oxidation, hydrogenation, coupling reactions (C–C, A3-type and cascade) and asymmetric synthesis are discussed. Finally, the importance of how to control the shape, size and location of NPs is stressed in order to better understand their reactivity.

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