Chapter 7: Teaching and Learning Science From the Perspective of Industry Contexts
Published:27 Jul 2020
Special Collection: 2020 ebook collection
O. Finlayson, E. Mc Loughlin, S. Herzog, and members of the FP7-project ESTABLISH, in Engaging Learners with Chemistry: Projects to Stimulate Interest and Participation, ed. I. Parchmann, S. Simon, and J. Apotheker, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020, ch. 7, pp. 114-134.
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Today's citizens need a deeper understanding of global societal challenges and their implications for themselves, their families and their communities. This requires a broader vision of an active, engaged and responsible citizenship for the 21st century and calls for close collaboration between all stakeholders to develop scientific citizenship and address emerging societal challenges. This chapter presents a framework for teaching and learning science from the perspective of industry contexts that has been developed through a pan-European project collaboration. The framework adopted combined an inquiry-based learning approach along with specific content knowledge for embedding industrial contexts in teaching and learning approaches in the science classroom. The framework has been used to develop inquiry teaching and learning units for use in pre-service and in-service teacher education programmes. The structure and content of the ‘Holes’ Unit is discussed as an example of how this framework is used to develop pedagogic resources on topics involving visible and invisible holes that highlight industrial contexts and their relevance to developing understanding of chemistry and its applications.