CHAPTER 13: Supported ILs and Materials Based on ILs for the Development of Green Synthetic Processes and Procedures
Published:27 Jun 2019
Series: Green Chemistry Series
S. Montolio, B. Altava, E. García-Verdugo, and S. V. Luis, in Green Synthetic Processes and Procedures, ed. R. Ballini, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019, pp. 289-318.
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Although Ionic Liquids still represent a hot topic in Green Chemistry, many practical applications for the development of Green Processes have been hampered by limitations associated with their cost and the (eco)toxicological properties identified for some of them. The incorporation of ILs or structural fragments related to ILs in solid materials allows the development of the so-called Supported Ionic Liquids (SILs, SILPs, or SILLPs), which exhibit many of the features and advantages of ILs while overcoming many of the above limitations. This chapter describes the general approaches reported toward the development and full characterization of advanced materials based on ILs and some of their more relevant applications in the development of Green Synthetic Processes.