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The epidemic of obesity and diabetes is growing worldwide. In addition to providing energy, nutrients from our diets can elicit signaling transduction to induce genetic, epigenetic, and posttranslational changes that affect cell function and metabolic homeostasis. As such, advancing the understanding of nutritional signaling pathway and activity modulators may reveal new options to prevent or treat obesity and diabetes. This book serves as a timely forum that presents the cutting-edge research and critical knowledge about nutritional signaling pathways leading to metabolic dysregulation in obesity and diabetes.

This book consists of eleven chapters that can be grouped into three sections: (1) the effects of nutrition (and maternal nutrition) on metabolism and clinical trials of dietary intervention (Chapters 1–3); (2) the molecular mechanisms by which nutrients regulate cellular functions and events such as inflammation responses, nuclear receptors, mitochondrial health, and gut microbiota (Chapters 4–7); and (3) the allometric scaling and omics approaches (e.g., metabolomics and proteomics) in translational and precision nutrition research (Chapters 8–11). Each chapter discusses a perspective of intervention or future application of the relevant pathways or approaches, enhancing the transformation of new knowledge.

This book illustrates the leading edge of basic science and translational research in nutrition and metabolism. At molecular and cellular level, it covers metabolomics, proteomics, nutrigenomics, nuclear receptors and transcription factors, inflammatory pathways, autophagy, mitochondrial quality control, and gut microbiota. From the clinical and translational research perspective, it covers clinical trials, precision nutrition, maternal nutrition and transgenerational health, and allometric scaling of dietary bioactives in translational metabolic research. These unique features may benefit students, nutritionists, dietitians, biomedical researchers, and healthcare professionals who study the nutritional aspects, cellular and molecular biology, as well as pathophysiology of obesity and diabetes.

I am grateful to my family for their love and support during editing this book. Special thanks go to the authors of the chapters for their outstanding contributions to and passion for nutrition and metabolic research. I also wish to express my gratitude to the Royal Society of Chemistry, especially to Nicki Dennis, Katie Morrey, Janet Freshwater, and Sylvia Pegg, for their assistance with the book planning and editing. Thank you all for making this book possible.

Zhiyong Cheng

University of Florida

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