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The dependence of our current energetic model on fossil fuels and their harmful effects on the environment are strengthening the development of renewable energy sources. Liquid transportation fuels produced via Fischer–Tropsch synthesis (FTS) from biomass-derived synthesis gas (syngas) promises an attractive and sustainable energy source for the transportation sector of our society. This chapter is mainly focused on the production of liquid fuels from lignocellulosic biomass with particular emphasis on the catalytic aspects that involve the generation of syngas through biogas reforming and producer gas clean-up, as well as the subsequent FTS reaction. Moreover, these processes very often involve catalytic pathways that requires optimal heat control as well as minimizing transport limitations and pressure drops in conventional fixed-bed reactors. As a result, the conventional catalytic technologies operate under suboptimal conditions, and this issue is herein approached by the application of microstructured catalytic systems. In this context, some examples from recent experimental and modelling studies addressing biogas reforming, upgrading of producer gas and conversion of syngas via the Fischer–Tropsch reaction in monoliths, microstructured reactors and foam catalysts are reviewed.

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