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An in situ method to determine the specific activity in concrete structures using a survey meter was established in this study for decommissioning accelerator rooms. This method is much simpler than the conventional sampling method that requires core boring. A survey meter (T-SP2, TAC Inc., Japan) was customised and equipped with a small detector probe, whose size allowed the design of a light-weight Pb shield. For dose rate measurement, a Pb shield thickness of 4.5 cm was enough to shield ambient γ-rays, and its weight (16 kg) was low enough for the device to be carried by a human. A calibration curve was obtained to quickly and easily convert the net contact dose rate on concrete into the specific activity in a PET cyclotron room. The specific activity detection limit for this device was lower than the clearance limit of 152Eu and 60Co in activated materials. Therefore, this method can be used for separating nonactivated concrete from activated concrete during decommissioning. A general correction factor for the slope of the calibration curve was also obtained for use at other accelerator facilities.

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