Chapter 19: Long-lived Spin Order Coupled to SABRE
Published:07 Apr 2020
Special Collection: 2020 ebook collectionSeries: New Developments in NMR
S. S. Roy, in Long-lived Nuclear Spin Order: Theory and Applications, ed. G. Pileio, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020, ch. 19, pp. 350-369.
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This chapter reports on the recent developments in the field of the Signal Amplification by Reversible Exchange (SABRE) nuclear spin hyperpolarisation technique in conjunction with the long-lived states (LLS) associated with nuclear spins. The underlying feature of the para-hydrogen driven SABRE technique is discussed in relation to nuclear singlet states. Examples of substrates containing 1H, 13C, and 15N spin-pairs are presented to highlight the exciting feature of hyperpolarised long-lived states (Hyper-LLS) spin order with lifetimes in the order of tens of minutes. Furthermore, the theoretical calculations and resonance conditions in achieving such Hyper-LLS have also been discussed. Finally, this account highlights the challenges and criticalities in the field whilst discussing its future directions.