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Intratumoral hetrogenecity is an emerging issue which holds back the major developments in clinical oncology, as it leads to cancer progression and resistance to therapy. Hepato Cellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common malignant hepatic diseases worldwide. However; the molecular mechanism is still unclear. In majority of patients, chronic inflammation of liver and associated wound healing process is closely linked to the development of fibrosis which further leads to cirrhosis and HCC. Intratumoral heterogeneity in the morphological, histological and molecular level from chronic inflammatory liver disease to dysplastic lesions hampers the therapeutic progress. Studies stated that the cellularity, vascularity and gene expression of invasive border cells in the tumor microenvironment is distinctive from the central part of tumor. It is important to study different patterns of gene expression in central tumor as well as the invasive border region to evaluate the cancer progression and treatment options.

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