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Oral route is considered as the major route for the delivery of drug, especially in the treatment of chronic diseases. A drug with a high lipophilicity more than 50%, however regarded as deterrent for oral delivery. Especially drugs under Biopharmaceutical Classification Systems (BCS) II and IV causes challenges to the formulators as their poor bioavailability caused due to poor aqueous solubility resulting in reduced drug absorption. To overcome such issues various strategies have been developed such as inclusion complexation. Recently nanosponges have gained considerable attention, owing to their biocompatibility, nanoporous in nature, capable of forming supra molecular inclusion complexes with both hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs. The toxicological aspects of nanosponges have been proven to be safe for use in pharmaceutical products. Also the drug loading can be enhanced by modifying the cyclodextrin to cross linker ratio to obtain the desired release profile of the drug. Nanosponges are nanostructured carriers prepared by reacting cyclodextrin with suitable cross linkers such as carbonyl diimidazole, hexamethylene and diphenyl carbonate.

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