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Chitosan is a well-known linear polymer with antioxidant activity and is being used extensively in drug delivery systems. Its use has been widely explored due to its biocompatibility, biodegradability, mucoadhesive property and regulatory acceptance. Although chitosan microparticulate systems have been extensively studied to deliver molecules with common diseases and disorders, very few reports have been published to explore its applicability towards metal toxicities such as arsenic, copper and lead poisoning. For such certainties’ chelation therapy (use of chelating agents in metal poisoning conditions) is a foremost preference and considered as a standard treatment. Such chelating agents can be delivered via formulating them into microparticulate system made of chitosan with a notion to use the antioxidant property of chitosan to reduce the oxidative load in metal poisoning. Additionally, chitosan had been reported to exhibit the chelation properties which could add extra advantages in metal poisoning therapy. MiADMSA (under preclinical investigations) is an lipophilic Monoisoamyl derivative of Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) having promising results in the treatment of metal poisoning (especially Arsenic) and has been reported to possess better pharmacokinetic properties than parent drug. MiADMSA forms chelate with metals through the thiols groups present in its structure

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