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Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder affecting the blood glucose levels in both the young and old. The impaired glucose levels if not carefully monitored in the blood affects multiple systems in the body leading to further complications like loss of vision and limbs, failure of important organs like the kidney, pancreas etc., Regular monitoring of blood glucose levels of patients who pose higher risk of damage to the eyes, kidneys can facilitate early treatment. Most of the present methods used to monitor blood glucose levels are invasive techniques, which require a single drop of blood preferably from the fingertip that causes a lot of inconvenience and discomfort to diabetic patients who require blood glucose to be monitored 4–5 times a day. Since continuous glucose, monitoring is critical and to overcome the disadvantages posed by the current invasive techniques, the present study aims to develop non-invasive colorimetric detection of glucose using paper based medium in saliva.

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