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Flibanserin, a multifunctional serotonin agonist and antagonist (MSAA), which may treat hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) in women. Women with HSDD have a chronic lack of interest in sex that cannot be explained by another medical condition. Feelings of distress also accompany HSDD. Mechanism of action of flibanserin is different because it works on a women’s brain. Flibanserin works on three necessary brain chemicals: dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. It acts as a dual control model of sexual response. Various neurotransmitters, sex steroids, and other hormone effects on the sexual response with significant excitatory and inhibitory effects. Among neurotransmitters, dopamine and norepinephrine stimulate activity, while serotonin inhibits activity and the balance between before discussed systems are of significance for a healthy sexual response. By modulating serotonin and dopamine activity in some regions of the brain, flibanserin can enhance the equilibrium of sexual response balance between these neurotransmitter systems. The significant side effects of flibanserin are dizziness, sleepiness, nausea, feeling tired and trouble sleeping. Simultaneous consumption of alcohol and flibanserin may result in severely low blood pressure.

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