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The key roles of extracellular vesicles (EVs) in biological systems are profoundly influenced by their physicochemical characteristics and molecular composition. The characterisation of physicochemical properties is therefore fundamental for advancing our knowledge on EV biogenesis, developing EV-based therapeutics, diagnostics and drug delivery systems. Each of these characteristics can be measured at: (i) single vesicle level (nano), (ii) subpopulation level (micro) and (iii) population level (macro); and rigorous assessment of EVs that requires a detailed, multiscale and correlative analysis at all three levels is essential to push the frontier of discoveries in the EV field. Here, we describe several techniques used for physicochemical characterisation of EVs, which enable single, subpopulation and population characterisation. These techniques align with the extended methods recommended by the International Society of Extracellular Vesicles: Minimal Information for Study of Extracellular Vesicles (MISEV 2018).

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