CHAPTER 5: Activation of Chemical Substrates Under Sustainable Conditions: Electrochemistry and Electrocatalysis
Published:20 Oct 2021
Special Collection: 2021 ebook collection
L. M. Großmann and T. Opatz, in Sustainable Organic Synthesis: Tools and Strategies, ed. S. Protti and A. Palmieri, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021, pp. 119-149.
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This chapter focusses on the fundamental principles of synthetic organic chemistry and provides the reader with the knowledge necessary to explore the diverse field of electro-organic transformations. The basic requirements to construct a useful setup are covered, together with an idea of how to decide which mode of operation might be suitable for the planned transformation. By displaying practical and highly innovative examples, this chapter gives an idea of how organic electrochemistry can be useful to achieve a sustainable substrate activation and enhance the ecological footprint of an organic reaction.