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I acknowledge and am grateful to:

  • The “Advances in Chemistry Education Series” editor-in-chief Keith S. Taber and the whole editorial team for trusting me to undertake the realization of this book.

  • George Bodner for writing the Foreword.

  • The 38 authors of this book for their participation and expert contributions.

  • The reviewers for their invaluable feedback.

Manuscripts underwent a single-blinded peer review process by both internal (from among the authors of the book) and external reviewers. Reviewers were selected on the basis of their expertise in the area of the manuscripts to be reviewed, and all provided in-depth, high quality reviews that contributed greatly to the improvement of the chapters. As one of the authors of this book commented, “I received the reviewers' comments. I appreciate the time and effort that goes into such a project”.

  • Connor Sheppard, Michelle Carey, and Lewis Pearce, members of the staff of the Royal Society of Chemistry Books team, who provided continuous support and guidance during the whole process.

  • Last but not least, Bill Byers for reading my own manuscripts carefully, and for providing many thoughtful and very useful critical comments and suggestions.

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