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Nowadays, nanocomposites functionalized with carbonaceous–polymers, clays, noble metal, and various metal oxides play a major role in numerous applications such as in medicine, energy, sensors, heterogenous catalysis, and eco-friendly remediation. The main advantages of functional nanocomposites are their rapid and selective absorption, and their exceptional stability and recyclability, properties that are very useful for environmental remediation such as groundwater treatment. The degradation as well as removal of transition metal ions and organic pollutants from groundwater and wastewater are the most investigated subject area. The demand for such metal-based hybrid nanocomposites is increasing. Consequently, the development of highly efficient metal-based hybrid nanocomposites has attracted very special interest. In this chapter, we discuss the key innovations and developments in functional nanocomposites over the last few years. In particular, the chapter focuses on the efficient preparation of the various novel metal-based hybrid nanocomposites for environmental wastewater treatment.

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