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A membrane bioreactor (MBR) is a robust device in the biological wastewater treatment field, which has been applied in treating municipal as well as industrial wastewater, with its distinct advantages such as high treatment efficiency, small footprint, simpler operation, as well as high-quality solid-free effluent. MBR technology is well recognized as a promising alternative to the conventional activated sludge (CAS) process of wastewater treatment. MBRs provide the prospect of producing high-quality effluent for sensitive receiving water bodies and offers water recycling and reuse benefits. The MBR has also been categorised as the perfect pre-treatment operation in industrial applications as an alternative to nanofiltration or the reverse osmosis process. The advanced MBR technology has the potency to be applied both in municipal and industrial waste water treatment with optimization of operational cost and superior effluent quality. This chapter presents a comprehensive review of MBR technology, advanced and hybrid membrane bioreactor devices, and applications of MBR in major high-strength industrial wastewater treatment sectors, highlighting treatment performances, membrane-fouling control strategies, hybrid MBR systems for enhanced treatment performance, and MBR life-cycle assessment in various applications.

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