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The membrane bioreactor system due to its advantages such as improved effluent quality, disinfection, better nitrification, smaller footprint and production of sludge has paved its way in the treatment of wastewater over conventional purification methods. This technology has been effective in removing organic, inorganic and microorganisms from both municipal and certain industrial wastewater systems. In the membrane bioreactor system, the membrane system allows physical separation whereas the bioreactor enables the biodegradation of the pollutant. There are various types of bioreactors, such as the plug-flow reactor, sequencing batch reactor, upflow anaerobic sludge blanket etc. Various parameters such as hydrodynamic conditions, biomass concentration, pH and temperature affect the pollutant removal potential of the bioreactor. Thus, the present chapter deals with process description and configuration, the effect of MBRs on microorganisms, the quality of water after treatment along with the cost associated with MBR technology. The limitations, advantages and technological advances are also elaborated in the chapter.

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