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The less energy-intensive anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR)-based wastewater treatment is a relatively new technology used to treat wastewater from a variety of domestic and industrial sources. Several engineering challenges and limited resource recovery have limited its wide application; however, good effluent quality compared to conventional anaerobic biological processes has increased its suitability as a novel treatment technology. Large-scale field implementation of AnMBRs has been limited and relatively slow despite the rapid developments in membrane manufacturing technologies and scientific publications. The overall performance of the bioreactor under various physicochemical conditions, process optimization, mitigation strategies of membrane fouling, and energy efficiency have not been completely evaluated. This chapter aims to present a basic understanding and the underlying mechanisms of AnMBRs, focusing on the current status and recent developments in their design and operation. It also addresses the research gaps in this area by discussing the different industrial applications of AnMBRs for the treatment of a variety of wastewaters.

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