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In past few years, the substantial growth of industrialization has caused a clean water crisis across the world. Water is a key resource for any industrial process and hence industries discharge considerable amounts of wastewater containing a number of pollutants that are toxic to the environment. Prolonged exposure of the pollutants to ecosystem is the biggest concern of the scientific community trying to develop efficient and sustainable techniques for proper handling of industrial wastewater. Biodegradation as a technique has gained popularity due to its eco-friendly nature, but the presence of recalcitrant compounds in wastewater restricts its large-scale application. In the present scenario, the moving-bed biofilm system has immense potential to deal with the diverse group of pollutants present in industrial wastewater. This chapter gives an overview of the moving-bed biofilm system and its application for the treatment of different industrial wastewaters. Furthermore, it explores the merits and demerits of the available biofilm systems and provides a critical review of recent research developments in the field and the sustainability of biofilm systems for large-scale application. This chapter gives new insights for future research into and development of biofilm systems that will make them a realistic approach to industrial wastewater treatment.

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