Chapter 8: Alternative Approaches for Scalable Artificial Photosynthesis via Sustainable Redox Processes
Published:29 Apr 2022
Special Collection: 2022 ebook collectionSeries: Green Chemistry Series
H. S. Soo, in Sustainable and Functional Redox Chemistry, ed. S. Inagi, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2022, ch. 8, pp. 175-206.
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Redox chemistry plays a pivotal role in natural and artificial photosynthesis. To mimic the natural process, artificial photosynthetic systems need to consist of similarly sustainable redox half-reactions. In this chapter, some of the latest developments by the author's group and others in the catalytic oxidation of nonfood biomass lignocellulose and nonbiodegradable plastics as scalable half-reactions to supply electrons for the production of fuels during the reduction of CO2 or water will be discussed. The focus will be on electrocatalytic and photocatalytic processes that can, in principle, be driven by renewable energy. In addition, the benefits and shortcomings of homogeneous versus heterogeneous catalyses will be evaluated. The recent renaissance in the study of metal halide perovskites for optoelectronic materials has also inspired their applications in artificial photosynthesis, which will be discussed here. These alternative and scalable redox processes for artificial photosynthesis have the potential to overcome not only global climate change but possibly global plastics pollution as well.