Chapter 4: Nanofluidic Devices for Electroanalytical Applications
Published:11 Nov 2016
Special Collection: 2016 ebook collection
B. P. Nadappuram, in Nanofluidics, ed. J. Edel, A. Ivanov, and M. Kim, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2nd edn, 2016, vol. 2, ch. 4, pp. 99-113.
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The use of nanofluidic devices for ultrasensitive electroanalytical applications is at the forefront of emerging detection techniques. These devices generally incorporate two individually addressable electrodes embedded within a nanochannel and are well suited for performing highly efficient redox cycling–repeated oxidation and reduction to amplify the electrochemical signals, enabling detection and quantification of the analyte molecules. The small capacitive current and steady-state voltammetric response offered by these devices makes them ideal systems for single molecule electrochemical detection. In this chapter, the concept of redox cycling employed in nanofluidic devices along with their fabrication strategies and applications relevant to electrochemistry is summarised.