General Principles, Rules, and Conventions
Published:05 Dec 2013
Themed: IUPAC Color Books
Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2013, pp. 1-129.
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This chapter describes principles and general rules for the nomenclature of organic compounds, i.e. carbon compounds. It defines the scope of nomenclature for organic compounds and illustrates its potential for extension to noncarbon compounds. It also defines preferred names and preselected names, the latter being names for structures that are not carbon parent compounds but are needed for naming carbon derivatives using the principles for carbon compounds. This chapter describes the operations used in the nomenclature of organic compounds, such as substitutive, replacement, additive, subtractive, multiplicative, conjunctive and the fusion; and the different types of nomenclature used for organic compounds, such as substitutive, functional class, skeletal replacement and functional replacement, multiplicative, and conjunctive. General rules that are necessary for naming organic compounds, such as bonding number, multiplicative prefixes, locant, numbering of chains and rings, alphanumerical order, and the use of indicated and added indicated hydrogen. Finally the rules for actually writing names are covered, which include include spelling, punctuation, the proper use of multiplicative prefixes and other numerical terms, enclosing marks, the elision or addition of vowels, italicization, and the use of primes with letters and numbers to greatly simplify the numbering of structures.