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The chapter is dedicated to describing the use of lasers in the study of reaction dynamics. We first discuss the PHOTOLOC (Photo initiated reaction analyzed via the Law of Cosines) method. This method has revolutionized the study of reaction dynamics in that it permits the measurement of differential reactive cross sections without the need to use an expensive crossed molecular beam apparatus. The use of lasers in the detection of the products of a chemical reaction is then briefly surveyed. The techniques of REMPI (resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization), REMPI-TOF (REMPI combined with time-of-flight mass spectrometry), LIF (laser induced fluorescence) and Doppler spectroscopy are discussed. These techniques, besides permitting accurate measurement and identification of the identity of the product molecule, also provide information as to its quantum state and all aspects of the polarization of its angular momenta (both rotational and spin).

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