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Welcome to Chemistry Student Guides: Introduction to Stereochemistry! This ‘student guide’ is the product of a partnership between a group of undergraduate students and experienced academic staff from the Universities of Leeds and Warwick, both institutions that have a proud tradition of staff and undergraduate students working in collaboration to co-create knowledge.

This book is absolutely in the partnership tradition. Our team worked together to identify the need for a new text on stereochemistry, decided what to include, and leave out, designed the presentation of the topic and spent many hours discussing the format and style of the chapters.

At the heart of our approach is the tutorial style of teaching that is so important to us in the Department of Chemistry at Warwick and the School of Chemistry at Leeds. Students and their teachers sit down together to grapple with challenging problems in chemistry, break them down into their component parts and work through them collaboratively to gain new understanding.

The result is a book that is truly co-designed and co-authored by our student–staff team. We're grateful for the encouragement we have had from other students and teachers at our Universities and our colleagues at the Royal Society of Chemistry. We hope you enjoy the book and truly welcome feedback on our work and the Chemistry Student Guides concept.

Andrew Clark

Russ Kitson

Nimesh Mistry

Paul Taylor

Matthew Taylor

Michael Lloyd


Caroline Akamune

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