Chapter 9: Borehole NMR Job Planning
Published:14 Aug 2023
Special Collection: 2023 ebook collectionSeries: New Developments in NMR
Practical NMR for Oil and Gas Exploration, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2023, vol. 28, ch. 9, pp. 387-415.
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Reliable and accurate NMR measurements of reservoir properties require careful, early job planning. Just like a doctor’s careful diagnosis is always very helpful for a better NMR imaging examination, such planning is critical for the success of the NMR logging run. Specific formation and fluid properties can be utilized to design an acquisition scheme that provides access to yet unknown reservoir characteristics and optimizes the acquisition process and thus improves the answers derived from the data. If acquisition parameters are not selected properly, the interpretation results may provide properties that differ significantly from the actual reservoir properties.